Pretend to be deaf, quit what has begun, stop planning … Lena Volodina, author of Zen in the Bolshoi City, experimentally came to unexpected ways to simplify life. We offer to get acquainted with several non -trivial and provocative tips from the book.
Many people prefer to save up for several years to the apartment, just not to take a mortgage. I believe that in this way they delay the moment of joy and generally life itself. No matter how paradoxical it sounds, the mortgage gives the opportunity to live here and now. Yes, you overpay by interest, but not everything is measured by financial benefit. Life is more expensive than money! In addition, many mortgages are extinguished ahead of schedule, which means that the amount of overpayments will be less.
We live in the Society of Pure Plates: since childhood, we are told that leaving food is bad for health, for starving children in Africa. In fact, there is nothing good in getting to eat everything that you don’t like. This principle often applies to other decisions. We continue to do what is not interesting, with the same perseverance with which we eat a tasteless salad.
One of the
Tout d’abord, c’est dangereux. Dial dans la demande de barre de recherche “est tombé du balcon pendant le sexe”, et vous découvrirez de nouvelles choses nouvelles. Deuxièmement, êtes-vous sûr levitra prix vous êtes prêt à partager les détails de votre vie sexuelle avec vos voisins? Si les vues des étrangers ne vous arrêtent pas et que le désir de rendre la passion à la hauteur est trop fort, choisissez un balcon vitré avec un partenaire, évitez les poses extrêmes avec des jambes qui lancent des jambes sur la balustrade et ne sortez pas la moitié de la fenêtre. .
most valuable skills is the ability to refuse
Say “no” with fresh food, the request of a colleague who will take all his free time, or a tempting order, who will eventually suck all life juices by the end of the month. There are no people who everyone manage, there are those who correctly prioritize and know how to do something in time.
Now it is fashionable to keep diaries, make lists, desires of desires, plan and formulate a clear answer to the question “who do you see yourself in 5 years”. Plans limit us. The world, technology and trends change too quickly to keep some final point before your eyes all the time. You can achieve much more if you relax and start to go with the flow, simultaneously noting opportunities and chances. This is a practical interpretation of what is called flexibility.
The Canadian writer and journalist Malcolm Gladwell came to this formula in the book “Genius and outsiders”. In his opinion, in order to become a professional in his field and succeed, you need to devote 10,000 hours. We do not need to be professionals in everything. There is what we do for pleasure, and it’s not scary if it does not work 100%.